Saturday, September 12, 2009

Wizarding Dance Numbers?

Image courtesy of Google Images
Okay, so after a very long day of mishaps, stressful situations, break-downs, and overall disappointments, my friend sent me the most up lifting thing I could possibly ever imagine: A Very Potter Musical. Now, many of you have probably seen this little video floating about various websites and circulating the Youtube Galaxy, but if you haven’t, you should definitely check it out. This ingenious production was written and produced by a group of enthusiastic Harry Potter fans at Michigan State and was apparently preformed before a group of fellow students and even some faculty members. The video, without a doubt, is nothing less than hysterical and entertaining; but, the most shocking thing about the production is that it’s actually good! There are a ton of Potter puns and quirky jokes that any H.P. enthusiast would enjoy and the singing is actually decent! This talented group of performers actually has a product worth watching! Check it out!

This video also got me thinking about remakes and sequels. While I do think we are a long ways a way from “Harry Potter Goes to The Grand Canyon: Part II” and “Adventures at Hogwarts: The Television Show”, you have to admit that there have been plenty of failed spoofs and spin offs of successful TV shows and movies. Are producers really just milking a successful venue for all of its worth or, is it something else? Have television and film producers run out of truly profound and fresh ideas? Look at some recent movies that have graced the box office with their presence this past summer: “Transformers 2”, “G.I. Joe”, “Harry Potter 6”, “Wolverine”, “The Hannah Montana Movie”, “Star Trek”… and the list just goes on and on! All of these films are either sequels to past successes or movies based off of an already flourishing venue. Have we lost any and all trace of originality and creativity in the film business? Tell me what you think! Leave your comments below!


  1. Yes, A Very Potter Musical is absolutely hilarious.

    I think there remains some originality in the business. 500 Days of Summer anyone?

  2. Kelsey sent me that video too! Absolutely the best thing I've EVER seen on youtube. EVER!!! I watched the whole thing. Two hours could not have been put to better use. It made my day.

    500 Days of Summer was also great. Haven't seen such a good "indie" film since Juno. Leaves the viewer with surpising optimism. An unexpected warm fuzzy feeling.


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