Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus Trailer!

It goes without saying that the death of Heath Ledger is both tragic and premature. I'm sure we can all agree on the fact that this man was not only a talented performer but also a unique human being. Luckily, fans will get to see Ledger one last time before they truly must say goodbye to both the man and the legend. His new film, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, is a venture into the ever changing genre of avant-garde/ fantasy films and promises to be a truly enjoyable movie experience. It tells the story of a man's bet with the devil and his mission to save his daughter from enslavement to the Dark Lord.
The project had originally shut down after Ledger's untimely end but was later put back into action when the talents of Johnny Depp, Jude Law, and Collin Ferrel were brought onto the production to finish the piece. The protagonist must venture into different worlds, and when he does so, his appearance changes. Movie magic, people!
So, without further delay, I give you the trailer to...

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus!

(Most posts will be a little longer and more entertaining than this one. I'm in between classes right now and I'm a tad crunched for time! I just had to share this fantastic trailer with people! Info


  1. dear david,
    oh my good golly gosh you have a blog!
    if you get famous and your life turns into a movie now ill be in it as your first comment.
    hehe bye love!
    ...and im guessing you know who this is... if not then im not sure we can be friends anymore...

  2. OMG!!! David your such a nerd...but I love ya! After reading your 1st blog I have to say..I'm impressed by your wit and words! When you were a lil punk kid, you would talk incessantly on your ideas of an outfit/costume we could create or what your thought on books or movies was, or even the time you asked me to teach you how to sew (I bearly am able to sew a button back on a shirt)...I always wondered where that mind and ambition of yours would take you. You've become and amazing young man and I look forward to reading more of your fantastic blogs!!!! Luv ya!!!

  3. Thanks Guys! Michelle, I love you! Katie, yes you can be in my movie. Oh, and PLEASE tell other people to subscribe! thanks!


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