Thursday, March 18, 2010

Enough of Duff: Hilary Slated to Play Role Out of Her League

Does anyone remember Hilary Duff? Yes, she was that bubbly little preteen media queen that was the mold for the latest Disney icon: Hannah Montana. Anyways… she has just signed on to play Bonnie Parker in the remake of Bonnie and Clyde. Now, as much as I appreciate her efforts in inspiring a group of baby gap wearing, bubble gum snapping, preteen girls I can’t honestly see her playing BONNIE PARKER! I simply don’t feel that she has the sex appeal, the courage, nor the talent for the role.

It’s a shame to see such a great movie tainted by studios desperately trying to real in audiences with B rated film stars.


  1. I don't know. I thought she did quite well in War Inc.

  2. WOW! You're still up. No, I think she knows how to pout (I didn't spell that right) her lips and wear mini-skirts.


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