Monday, March 1, 2010

This Is Why I Love Natalie Portman

I love Natalie Portman for not only her talent as an actress, her intelligence, her cunning wit and charm, but also for her habit of selecting “unique” movie roles.

It has just been confirmed that Natalie Portman will now star as Lizzy Bennet in the newest Pride and Prejudice film. Her co-stars have yet to be confirmed but it is certain that most of them will be undead and in various stages of decay. Oh yea, this film will not be a remake of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice but will be an interpretation of the ever so popular book Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

The novel actually follows the tale of Ms. Lizzy Bennet and her sisters pretty closely to Jane’s original story with the exception of the whole Mr. Darcy eating brains for dinner. I haven’t read the book… but will get on it ASAP!


  1. I didn't know you were such a Natalie Portman fan. I'm learning so much about you on this blog.

  2. I LOVE NATALIE PORTMAN! and zombies!


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